Timeboxing: A New Technique to Manage your Time
Timeboxing is a new time management technique. It separates your day into nice boxes of time. Once you’ve got a time frame for a particular task, you can really focus. When you learn how it works, you will understand why so many people despise to-do lists lately. If you want to reach the next productivity levels at work, achieve all your goals, or you simply want to get more from your personal life, keep reading.
What is Timeboxing Management Technique?
Timeboxing time management technique is actually literally this: you cut the time into the boxes and apply them to your calendar. Each fixed time period has its size and, like a normal box, can’t be extended. Thanks to this limitation, the task you decide to put into the timebox should be finished immediately when the time comes.

Benefits of Timeboxing
There are many different benefits if you use the timeboxing time management technique. Here are the main benefits:
You can more easily “force yourself” to start working on the tasks you procrastinated on or you know they’re hard for you to be doing.

You can more easily set strict limits on how much time you’ll spend on a specific task and when you will spend it, and so you can organize yourself much better.
You can boost your productivity and focus greatly if you make sure that nobody interrupts you or distracts you while you’re working on your task in the boxed time for it.

It’s a great way to deal with perfectionism and any over-processing and over-doing of tasks.
You can use timeboxing to plan the most important things right in the morning, and it can help you to plan a much better working rhythm in general.